Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My bids II

民族風短袖上衣 (NT349)

熱力四射~清涼夏日平口小背心套組 2pcs (NT229)

勾織蕾絲領雪紡上衣 (共二色) (NT499) - pre-order item

舒適層次長版假兩件式上衣 (NT520)

多層次必搭.內搭棉質長褲 (共四色) (NT380)

蕾絲滾邊鑽石小包袖T (共四色) (NT380)

手製胸花綁脖雪紡上衣 (共四色) (NT350) -repeat order

普普風多色條紋圓領短袖T (共四色) (NT340) - pre-order item

日式網紗花邊長衣 (共二色) (NT287) -repeat order

Are you 'sum yok yok' now? :p

Lately all the spendings were originated from a sum of debt returned by one fella. To me, getting back the $ is considered as a bonus odi. Ngor fat sai, ngor hmm wui zoi lend money to ppl! 有借有還, 再借不難, 但是, 有借非常遲還, 再借也很難!! Hmm!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Arrived oh!

They have finally arrived today. :) Since it was our first time so we used EMS, it took 5 days to deliver to your doorstep.

Some of the items. Satisfactory level : 4/5

Loquat - the last 3 biji.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

枇杷 Loquat

Have you ever seen a real loquat fruit (枇杷) growing from a loquat tree? locally?

枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica) - 枇杷的英文Loquat来自芦橘的粵語音译 (from Wikipedia).

See? This is the real one! Snapshot from the tree! looked so juicy hor?! :)

Another smaller one.

枇杷樹 (loquat tree)

Plucking ripe loquat. (The tree donators came and experienced their virgin loquat plucking!)
Let you see the size.
This is the first time this loquat tree bears fruits. We counted and it was less than 10x biji. I have tasted 1x yesterday and it was very sweet!
Hopefully next year we got more to share out lah ya!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Take Care

"Take care."

You told me that you super SUPER hate(!) it when ppl said this to you, pretending that she is concerned, but in actual the words were blurted out meaninglessly, not even carried any sense of courtesy.

OMG! This term is over-used. I agree. Everyone tends to use 'take care' as the end of sentence but how many times were it used at heart?

Surrounding me nowadays are the clouds of resignation. You felt like relinquishing your mgr offer, over here there ARE people resigning. *sad oh*

I always believe that whoever tendering the resignation got to have the guts to do so! *salute* Must be a HARDY icon!

Sometimes we need to resign on impulse, coz once it's been pondered over too long, it will not be successful.

I wanna ask you....
Are you losing hope in them? or us?
Are you losing faith in the co.?
Are you losing track in your career path?
Are you having a boss who is hard to please?
Are you not paid in par with the workload and resposibility you carried?
Are you not happy working in a 'kiamsiap' co.?
Are you 'paralysed' working in such co.?
Are you over-stressed and working under pressure 24/7?

Never in my mind has this fellow appeared to be a candidate as my hardy icon. Now he is.

Lei hou yeah!