Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My bids II

民族風短袖上衣 (NT349)

熱力四射~清涼夏日平口小背心套組 2pcs (NT229)

勾織蕾絲領雪紡上衣 (共二色) (NT499) - pre-order item

舒適層次長版假兩件式上衣 (NT520)

多層次必搭.內搭棉質長褲 (共四色) (NT380)

蕾絲滾邊鑽石小包袖T (共四色) (NT380)

手製胸花綁脖雪紡上衣 (共四色) (NT350) -repeat order

普普風多色條紋圓領短袖T (共四色) (NT340) - pre-order item

日式網紗花邊長衣 (共二色) (NT287) -repeat order

Are you 'sum yok yok' now? :p

Lately all the spendings were originated from a sum of debt returned by one fella. To me, getting back the $ is considered as a bonus odi. Ngor fat sai, ngor hmm wui zoi lend money to ppl! 有借有還, 再借不難, 但是, 有借非常遲還, 再借也很難!! Hmm!