Thursday, May 31, 2007
1. 邮件最能撒谎. 面谈时,有可能通过表情泄漏天机; 打电话时, 难免语塞.而邮件永远不会. (Email can lie the most. During face to face talking, you may be betrayed by your face expression; while you make a call over the phone,you may be speechless, but email will never do so.)
2. 邮件是最职业的公务交办手段, 它可以丝毫不带感情色彩. (Email is the best occupational tool for office socialization as it does not carry any emotional substance).
3. 最后填写收件人,因为一个误操作, 它可能送出一份空信,令对方造成你工作粗糙的印象. (Key in the addressee lastly as you may end up sending out a blank mail due to a wrong keystroke and thus giving the receiver a bad impression of you in terms of job performance).
4. 愤怒时不要用 email. Email很难传送幽默,但很容易传达愤怒. (Don't use email while you are angry as email is very difficult in conveying humour but very easily to deliver your anger).
5. 使用有意义的标题,让收信人一下就能明白里面是什么,同时也区别于垃圾邮件. (Use meaningful subject so that the receiver can easily grasp the content of the email as well as differentiate yours from the junk mails).
6. 简短.如果有很多话,可以列成要点. (Be brief. If you got a lot of stuffs to tell, write in point forms then).
7. 休假时应设置自动回复,这是礼貌和方便的问题.但不要给私人邮件设这种东西,免得有心人知道你家里没人. (When you are on vacation pls activate the auto reply feature. This is the matter of being polite and convenient to the other parties. However this must not be applied on the personal email as you will let ppl know that you are putting your house vacant).
8. 使用表情.如果你的情绪可能被误解,就加上笑脸. (Use expression. If you are scared that your emotion could be misunderstood, pls add a smile).
I would like to stress on No.4 and 8. To all the ah ngia and ah ba kor. :)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Parkson vouchers that redeemed through HSBC etc.
20,000 pt (cotton with high thread count - thus very padat and soft)
56,000 pt (this one definitely GOOD lah).
The pui chao nuar one is Bonuslink that sam phee kor garden light. Until now still got no news after I returned to them. :(
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Quote of the day
我觉得蛮有理的. 当凭你一个人完全没有可能扭转状况,违背抵抗上头,又或者被欺压时; 而又有可能迫于无奈不能够逃离(比如为了生计养妻活儿等等), 那"浮" ( 我把它译为"得过且过") 又何尝不是个好方法呢?
在工作上, "浮"未必是懦夫. 到处乌鸦一般黑. 你如果觉得"潜浮"不行, 有失你的尊严, 那就去"深潜" 吧!
在感情上, 我就不同意顺从这套罗!听到没?! (吃辣椒着知辣的话不关我事har...! 哈哈!).
Jet Ski pic (6 May 07)
The jetski guy was laughing when I asked him," I tak tau bawa motor mia loh, you kena jaga I tau?!"
On the way back to beach....the jetski guy 'drove' to let me experience the so-called FAST jetski speed.
Very feminine when getting down, haha!
The horse PEE-ed when BC rode on it.
Fear factor round I. LOSER me.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Negative method
Today Guang Ming showed this quotation at 副刊 that caught my attention.
Ya, I am more daring to say NO now. The other day at Cosmart bakery buying mini donuts, mistaken RM1.60 for 5 pcs as RM1.60 for 15pcs due to the the price card was partially blocked. I said,” Situ kan tulis 5?” “ Itu card block lah, sepatutnya 15”. “Oh, macam tu then I ambil 5 aje lah”. Come on, I bought the donuts to pien kids saja, you thought I can take 15 pcs meh? When the cashier said,”sudah key punch masuk” and showed me that kind of “Cis” look, I said,” Cancel aje lah.” with crossed elbows. They were then very reluctantly forced to do it. Phew! I know I behaved rather 野蛮but don’t care lah! Getting older liao, face thicker liao, dare to say NO NO NO to unfair deal!
This is a simple example I quoted lah. I wanna relate this to some of the BGR stories of others but am afraid that I may have to reveal too much of other ppl's BGR. No good neh. So gals, start thinking about it and share with me what, where and how you apply the - methods.
Some of you who started getting worried of me blogging out your stories....pang sim lah. Not until I become a writer one fine day. :p
Monday, May 07, 2007
Family day 07
Ha! That's me. Yao chee sai, mou sat zhai at all.
The fear factor round I,II and III.
For me, I vomitted immed after the 1st round -> came out only carrot + orange -> was lying flat on the car parking area coz the chilli was making me very ow zui -> went to mobile toilet to blah...-> coming out vomitted chilli at last -> stomach and everything inside was burning hot-> crawled halfway to ambulance, lembik knee down on ground -> at last managed to crawl to ambulance asking for help -> was given rehydrating solution + rest for nearly 1 hr-> stayed there till 11 something -> ate only satay + nugget (the only things edible for us the sick one) , the rest all sour spicy oily food + cold drinks -> Resumed energy, watching fear factor final -> when it's almost time to go back, 乐极生悲, there happened the parachute accident .see below.
Our car driver K was hit by the metal due to parachute string broken while landing. His forehead was bleeding. The little girl who was in front of her hurt her ear too. We the 3x who followed his car got to split up. We ended up driving his car / following the ambulance to GMC. We got about 4-5 cars at the same time rushing down from Mutiara -> GMC.
We had our very late lunch at Sin Sei Kai after settling everything at hospital including waiting till he finished the stitching etc.
*Very lembik exhausted look at SSK.....~~~~~~*
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Liak Kappa II
This time we chose to go in the early morning instead. We were well prepared with bangku, pail, kar loe, cap & etc.
clockwise : JB & son, GE, me and the malay lady who so happened to korek beside me - our 'neighbour'.
I woke up earlier than normal working day leh. It's Labour day holiday leh, why were we all so 贱骨头 uh?! :) Reaching there ~ 7.30a.m. 9.30a.m. sao tong already coz the sea water kept on chasing us away!
These are our 'sao wok' after ~ 1 and 1/2 hrs of hard work!
Top to btm : JB (kappa queen this round), GE and me (still maintain being the LAST!)
Go here for kappa (after cooked).